Chhath Puja, also known as Surya Shashti, is a vibrant and ancient Hindu festival dedicated to the worship of the Sun God, Surya, and Chhathi Maiya, the Goddess of energy and nature's bounty. This significant festival is celebrated with fervor and devotion, primarily observed in the states of Bihar, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh, and parts of Nepal.
Significance of Chhath Puja
Chhath Puja holds immense cultural and spiritual importance, focusing on paying homage to the Sun God, the ultimate source of energy and life on Earth. It's a four-day-long festival celebrated during the Hindu calendar month of Kartik, usually in October or November.
The rituals associated with Chhath Puja involve rigorous fasting, offering prayers, and performing arduous rituals near rivers, ponds, or other water bodies during sunrise and sunset. Devotees express gratitude to Surya Dev for sustaining life and seek blessings for prosperity, well-being, and longevity for their families.
Rituals and Traditions
Day 1: Nahay Khay
The festival commences with Nahay Khay, where devotees take a holy dip in rivers or ponds before preparing special meals, following a strict vegetarian diet. This day marks the beginning of the purity and sanctity associated with Chhath Puja.
Day 2: Kharna
On the second day, devotees observe a day-long fast, breaking it only after sunset. The fast concludes with the preparation of kheer (sweet rice pudding) and roti (unleavened bread), offering it to the deities and distributing it among family and friends.
Day 3: Sandhya Arghya (Evening Offering)
The third day, also known as Sandhya Arghya, is the most significant day of Chhath Puja. Devotees gather on riverbanks before sunrise, offering 'Arghya' (prayers with water) to the rising sun, chanting hymns, and performing rituals. They offer thekua (traditional wheat-based sweets) and fruits to the Sun God, seeking blessings for health and prosperity.
Day 4: Usha Arghya (Morning Offering)
The final day, known as Usha Arghya, involves offering prayers to the rising sun, bidding farewell to Chhathi Maiya, and concluding the Chhath Puja rituals. Devotees break their fast after offering prayers and receiving blessings from the rising sun.
Symbolism and Spirituality
Chhath Puja symbolizes gratitude towards the Sun God for sustaining life on Earth and harnessing nature's elements for prosperity. It embodies the reverence for nature, promoting environmental harmony and respect for natural resources.
The festival fosters a sense of community, as families and communities come together to observe rituals, share meals, and sing traditional folk songs ('Chhath Geet') praising the Sun God's glory.
Celebrating Unity and Devotion
Chhath Puja transcends religious boundaries, uniting people in devotion and gratitude towards the Sun God. It signifies the bond between humans and nature, emphasizing the importance of purity, discipline, and gratitude.
As the rays of the sun infuse life into the world, Chhath Puja celebrates the divine connection between humans and the cosmic energies, reinforcing the values of faith, purity, and environmental consciousness.
Chhath Puja is not just a festival; it's a celebration of life, nature's abundance, and the divine cosmic forces that sustain our existence.